
10月30日 East Asian Festival at JCU

10月30日(木)の午後3時半から6時半、University Hts.のJohn Carroll Universityで、恒例のEast Asian Festivalが開催されます。


East Asian Festival, 2014 
October 30th from 3:30-6:30 Atrium at Dolan Center

            3:30  Chinese Poetry Reading    Mr. David Wong
              3:50  Chinese songs performed by the students in Chinese classes
            4:10  Piano Recital  Featuring Mrs. Stefano Stefaniuk
                                   “Ancient Flower” composed by Yukiko Nishimura
                                   “Howl’s Moving Castle” composed by Joo Hisaishi
                                   “Orange Blossoms” composed by Minoru Kainuma
                           4:25  Japanese songs performed by the students of Japanese classes, 
               “Tonarino Totoro(My Neighbor Totoro)” composed by Joo Hisaishi
                           4:50  Kimono Demonstration conducted by Mrs. Hideko Hanawa and Mrs.  
                Tomomi Takatori
                           5:20  Taichi Demonstration
                             5:50  Samples of East Asian Cuisine

主催は、JANO役員中野啓子さんがDirectorをつとめる、当大学のEast Asian Studies Programで、JANO会員の方々もボランティアで折り紙などのデモンストレーションをされています。また、JANO Sakura for the Earthのキャンペーン用クリスマスツリー(折鶴の飾り)も置かせて頂きます。


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