Cuyahoga Public Library Orange branchより下記の案内がきました。
“Cultures Abroad: Japan and China”.
Sponsored by the Friends of the Orange Branch Library.
“Evoking Native Landscape Using Japanese Garden Principles” on Saturday, June 7 at 2 p.m.
Nationally lauded Japanese landscape designer and author Dr. David Slawson presents his latest film - a visually compelling, meditative journey through key aspects of this universal landscape art form. The film will be followed by lecture & discussion of David’s own gardens, illustrating how basic design principles can be adapted to a wide variety of sites, locally available natural materials, and client desires, each providing in-depth insight into the Japanese Garden design process. Slawson’s DVD and book “Secret Teachings in the Art of Japanese Gardens” will be available for purchase and signing.
“Seven Weeks in Japan” on Saturday, June 21 at 2 p.m.
Award-winning nature photographer Sylvia Banks will showcase her experiences in Kyoto, a unique city of ancient temples and gardens.
For seven weeks, Sylvia lived in Japan as a typical resident, riding public transportation and walking everywhere. Her photographs show the people, architecture, beautiful gardens, ancient temples, stores and landscape of Kyoto.
Sylvia Banks is the President of the Cuyahoga Valley Photo Society, photo editor for the Cuyahoga Valley National Park calendar and contest judge for Northeast Ohio camera clubs.
“China Through the Eyes of a Laowai” on Saturday, July 19 at 2 p.m.
Join Merryl Carlsson, a professor who taught English in China for five years, as she shows photos and relates fascinating experiences in places not available to mainstream foreign tourists.
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