
【その他】ケースウェスタン大学 Polyglot Gathering クラブ 日本語スピーカー募集のお知らせ

Case Western Reserve大学のPolyglot Gatheringというクラブ活動で日本文化・言語を紹介できる日本人を探しています。初回は以下の日程で行われますが、基本週1で参加者のスケジュールによっては開催されない日もあるそうです。詳しくは担当のCindyさん(cyw33@case.edu)へご連絡ください。

Name of Club: Polyglot Gathering (Case Western Reserve University)
Purpose: To provide cultural immersion for club members with regards to Japanese culture and language
Who we are looking for: A native speaker who is comfortable teaching a mini crash course/lesson about the language and then also guiding students in some arts+crafts activities (kite building, origami).

The meeting will be on Sunday, Oct. 10th @ 2-3 pm in the Case Western Reserve Arts & Sciences campus (specifically, in Crawford 9A). 
Polyglot Gathering, a Case student organization devoted to the study of languages and the rich cultures and histories they are entwined with. In past years, one of our most popular activities was hosting weekly learning sessions, where a native speaker of a language such as Japanese would speak about their mother tongue and also touch on a little bit of the culture as well. Part of the session includes a Q & A portion where the session attendees could ask the speaker questions. Overall, these events are quite informal, with the main objective being for club members to get exposure to different languages in an engaging, hands-on format. The meeting we'd like for you to speak at is centered on the Japanese language (a lot of our members expressed interest in Japanese, so we wanted to especially include a native speaker session for them). We were thinking of perhaps focusing on a few key basics of the Japanese language (like a mini crash-course), but if you feel more comfortable speaking about a different topic, that would be wonderful as well! We also generally like to keep the meetings around an hour, so it would be great if the teaching session was around 30 minutes. And if you do end up accepting our invitation, feel free if you'd like to bring visual/audio supports to the meeting! Additionally, we will be providing some arts and crafts materials as a cultural supplement to your session, including some origami paper and kite building materials. 

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