
【デトロイト領事館】NEWS RELEASE: Dr. Kinji Tanaka Honored by the Government of Japan

Dr. Kinji Tanaka Honored by the Government of Japan

Dr. Kinji Tanaka of Greater Cincinnati has been awarded the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Rays by the Government of Japan in recognition of his significant contributions toward the enhancement of Japan and U.S. bilateral understanding.
Dr. Tanaka has been actively involved in linking Japan and America for many years. In 1981 he established the Japan Research Center of Greater Cincinnati, remaining its president for 33 years. At the same time he served as a Special Consultant to the Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce in matters related to Japan. To help ease the trade friction between Japan and the United States that existed in those days Dr. Tanaka assisted with seminars promoting the export of American goods to Japan. He introduced Japanese investment into the United States, and supported U.S. trade missions to Japan. In addition, Dr. Tanaka served as an effective intermediary between Japan and Cincinnati in the fields of education, culture, medicine and tourism.
As a scholar, Dr. Tanaka conducted extensive research on notable individuals closely connected to both Japan and Cincinnati, such as Lafcadio Hearn, famed author of Kokoro: Hints and Echoes of Japanese Inner Life (1896), and Kitaro Shirayamadani, the Japanese ceramic artist employed by Rookwood Pottery and whose work greatly influenced and brought international stature to the company. Dr. Tanaka introduced his valuable research to the public and in formal settings. He organized and lectured at an international conference on Hearn and, in 2004, participated in an international Hearn symposium in Matsue City, Japan. As a result of his studies, in 2013 Dr. Tanaka was invited to speak at an international symposium in Kanazawa City, Japan – this time on the artist Shirayamadani.
To facilitate the Japanese education of young Japanese students living in Greater Cincinnati temporarily, Dr. Tanaka was key in the establishment of a Saturday Japanese Language School in 1975 and has continued to contribute his support and guidance.
Throughout the Greater Cincinnati region, Dr. Kinji Tanaka is highly regarded and respected in both the Japanese and American communities.

150429 Order of The Rising Sun Tanaka(pdf)


2015年JANO花見 開催

次回、2015年JANOさくら植樹記念ピクニック (三井環境基金桜植樹活動)にてお会いできることを楽しみにしています。

2015年JANO花見@Brookpark Reservation


【新連載 学校情報】第6回College(大学)

College(単位制短期大学)、University (大学)>

In State(州内に在住)② Out of State (州外から入学)③ International (留学生対象)


アメリカの受験は日本の様に一発勝負ではなく、必要な書類、データやスコア、先生の推薦状などを大学側に郵送あるいはオンラインで送り、審査されるのを待ちます。秋頃から申込書を送り始め、早い所ではすぐに、遅くても3月末までには合否や奨学金受領の連絡を受けます。そして翌年の5月始めまでに進学する大学を決めます。大学により、願書受付は『Common Application (一般申し込み)』と個々の大学のウェブサイトから申し込みをする方法があります。申し込みの制限はなく、何校でも受けられ、主に以下の様な点を重視されます。

*高校在学中の学校独自の評価による成績の平均点『GPAGrade Point Average)
*『National Honor Society(全国優等生協会)』

アメリカでは奨学金制度も充実しており、以下の様な奨学金を受ける事が出来ます。専攻や人種、スポーツでの実績保持者による奨学金もあります。入学前や入学後に軍隊に所属する場合も軍隊から補助を受け取る制度もあります。奨学金と言っても返済義務は生じず、以下の中ではローンのみ、返済義務が生じます。注意する点は、『FAFSA』『CSS Profile』など、これらの対象となる申込書を提出していないと対象から外れてしまう事です。毎年更新する事をお忘れなく。

National Merit ー 『PSATSAT準備テスト)』での成績優秀者対象(全土から選出)
Grant ー 政府や州からの援助(並外れて財政的に困窮な場合など)
Scholarship ー 大学や外部からの援助、内容は多種多様
Financial Aid ー 成績優秀だが学資困難者への援助
Work Study ー ワークスタディー(大学在学中に大学内で労働し、その報酬を受け取る)
Loan ー ローン(保護者貸与のものと学生に貸与のものがある)




(岩泉美菜* )

College4年生大学を指す場合もあります。(JANO Kman波栄)


【デトロイト領事館】NEWS RELEASE: Mr. Yoshihiro Hidaka Awarded Commendation of the Consul General of Japan

 Mr. Yoshihiro Hidaka Awarded Commendation of the Consul General of Japan

April 17, 2015 - In recognition of his contribution to the mutual understanding and friendship between Japan and the United States of America, the Consul General of Japan in Detroit, Dr. Kazuyuki Katayama, has conferred upon Mr. Yoshihiro Hidaka, president and CEO of Hidaka USA, Inc. in Dublin, Ohio, his official commendation. The commendation was presented at the company’s Annual Cherry Blossom Hanami and Appreciation Luncheon.
For nearly 26 years – since coming to Ohio to establish Hidaka USA – Mr. Hidaka has been wholly committed to the Dublin community. He continually strives to show his appreciation to the community for warmly welcoming his company, employees and their families. His exemplary corporate citizenship has earned him the Dublin’s Chamber 2014 Business Person of the Year recognition.
In addition, he strongly supports and promotes US-Japan bilateral relations. He serves on the Board of Trustees of the Japan America Society of Central Ohio – bridging Japanese and Americans professionally, culturally and academically. He is a supporter of the activities of Dublin Taiko Group – Japanese style drum ensemble made up of middle and high school students. He has also planted more than 100 blossoming cherry trees at his facility as an expression of Japanese culture, and every spring he hosts an appreciation luncheon for the staff of the City of Dublin under the blossoming trees, in typical Japanese hanami style.
For years, Mr. Hidaka has been a great asset for the office of the Consulate-General. As a well-known and highly respected member of the community, his assistance in arranging introductions, facilitating visits and promoting Japan-related programs and events is always appreciated.
In honor of his service, and with deep respect and admiration, Consul General Kazuyuki Katayama presented this commendation to Mr. Yoshihiro Hidaka on April 17, 2015.

 Mr. Yoshihiro Hidaka Awarded Commendation of the Consul General of Japan.pdf






【デトロイト領事館 防犯情報】ミシガン州Farmington Hills市における不審な男女について

【防犯情報】ミシガン州Farmington Hills市における不審な男女について

 11日(土)夜、ミシガン州Farmington Hills 市(9 MileとHalsted付近)において、不審な男女が自宅庭で遊んでいた3歳と4歳の子供に声をかける事案が発生しました。通報した母親によると、二人はいずれも40歳代の白人男性と黒人女性であり、両者ともグレーのカウボーイハットを着用していたとのことです。Farmington Hills警察は住民に対し、これら不審者に関する目撃情報などの情報提供を呼びかけています。





Cleveland Metroparksの historian/archivist、 Judith MacKeiganさんが、JANOの桜についての記事を書いてくださいました。どうぞご覧ください。


Performing Arts Review (29) 村上春樹 編訳「恋しくて」ー現代アメリカのラブ・ストーリー集


「Performing Arts Review (29)

村上春樹 編訳「恋しくて」ー現代アメリカのラブ・ストーリー集
