





また、City of Cleveland Division of Waterが、水を供給しているクリーブランド周辺地域に提供した情報は以下の通りです。

•             Cleveland Water remains safe to drink and continues to meet high quality standards – this has not changed.
•             No toxins have been detected in Cleveland Water to date.
•             The Central Basin of Lake Erie supplies the Cleveland Water system and is generally deeper which keeps the water cooler than the Western Basin. The Western Basin supplies Toledo water. Warmer water and stormwater runoff from the rich agriculture in the region may contribute to the growth of algal blooms.
•             We do not anticipate the Central Basin of Lake Erie will experience the same level of algal growth.  High wind events break up algal blooms.  Blooms also break up when the algae has consumed the available nutrients. For more information regarding Harmful Algal Blooms, please see the following link from our partners: www.ohioseagrant.osu.edu/_documents/publications/FS/FS-091-2011 Harmful Algal Blooms In Ohio Waters.pdf  
•             Just to be safe, our four water treatment plants (Crown, Morgan, Nottingham, Baldwin) are all closely monitoring incoming lake water, NOAA satellite images and algal bloom forecasts, for any indication of problems and are working hard to ensure quality water for our customers.
•             We are also receiving near real-time data about algal growth from NOAA’s monitor located several miles out in Lake Erie. We also monitor the data and images from the US EPA, NOAA and other sources.
•             Turbidity (the clarity of the water) and chlorine are monitored continuously to ensure the integrity of the water treatment process.
•             We also participate in US EPA testing which includes monitoring for algal toxins.
•             Algal toxins can be removed from the water by adding activated carbon to the water and Cleveland Water utilizes this treatment.
•             Algal concentrations in the Central Basin of Lake Erie are actually lower than normal for this time of year due to the cold winter and spring.
•             Most importantly, our water supply remains safe; we expect it will remain safe, and our water continues to be treated and distributed as normal. 
(8月4日、Pepper Pike、Richard Bain市長発表より)


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